We have quiz tomorrow. I haven't studied yet and I don't want. It seems to be a long night. I just want to listen to music, nothing else. I'm listening now and I'm sure I will continue listening all night even I'm studying.
Tomorrow, I will probably go to girl who I teach maths and geometry again. By the way, her name is Berra. I'm still feeling stressful about that. I don't know why I feel like this but I hope it's temporary.
And the meaning of this sentence:
Bir zamanlar altını cizdigim isimlerin simdi ustunu ciziyorum
Zaman alismayı ogretir untumayı asla
I'm scratching out names which I underlined once upon a time
Time teachs orientate, not forgetting.
It' meanings like there was someone you care so much and he/she did something bad to you and you don't care anymore but you can't forget, just orientate.
Ive noticed that a lot of the signs on the minibuses are usually related to love in some kind of way. Thanks for that translation.
YanıtlaSilDo you ever play or make your own music?
I'm not sure that I understand question right but I have never done this. I'm interested in writing but I've written nothing for a long time and it's really bad for me.