29 Mart 2011 Salı


Today was usual but also fine. I felt happy during whole day.
We started to have weekly planner. Honestly, I never abide a plan. When I have a plan, I don't want to do it and I can't do. So, I didn't write very exactly true things in my plan because I want to study and if I have this right plan, I won't study. However, I will study this week. I should review my vocabulary journal. Also, I took a book from library last week and I haven't started yet because I was busy last a few days but I will start the book. I actually really love reading.
Weather is so good. I want to be near sea all day. This kind of weather makes me miss sea.

2 yorum:

  1. for getting things from a library we usually use the phrasal verb: "check out"

    I checked out a book from the library last week... for example

  2. ok.. (: i hope i can remember this verb (:
